Choose Your Perfect Plan

Find the ideal solution for your hiring needs


  • 20-day active listing
  • AI-Optimized content assistance
  • Standard search result visibility
  • Weekly newsletter to 10 000 candidates
  • Weekly social media promotion
  • Company profile page
  • Customer Support


  • 30-day active listing
  • AI-Optimized content assistance
  • Highlighted in search results
  • Weekly newsletter to 25 000 candidates
  • Exclusive newsletter to 1 000 highly targeted candidates
  • Dedicated social media promotion
  • Company profile page
  • Priority Customer Support


  • 35-day active listings
  • AI-Optimized content assistance
  • Premium search result placement
  • Priority newsletter to 25 000 candidates
  • Exclusive newsletter to 3 000 highly targeted candidates
  • Weekly dedicated social media promotion
  • Company profile page
  • Priority Customer Support


  • Unlimited listings
  • Custom branding
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Access to pool of 150 000+ qualified candidates

Need help choosing the right plan?

Our team is here to assist you in finding the perfect solution for your hiring needs.

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